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Illness subsidies for self-employeds

We are going to talk now about the subsidy for illness or Temporary Disability (TD) for the self­-employed.

When a self-employed is registered, he/she can choose between covering work accidents and professional illnesses or not, thing that most don’t do, because it means an increase in the contributions to the Social Security, with the exception of certain activities considered dangerous, and the Economically Dependent Self-employed, who are bound to do it.

The temporary Disability gives right to a subsidy to ease the absence of income of the worker while he/she receives medical attention by the Social Security or Insurance and is impeded from work. The maximum period of time is 12 months, extendable for 6 other months.


But, how much will I earn if I am on sick leave?

That depends.

If the sick leave is because of a common illness, from the 1st to the 3rd day of the leave you will not earn anything. From the 4th to the 20th day, you will earn th 60% of the contribution base, and from the 21st day, the 75% of the contribution base.

If the leave is because of a working accident or a professional illness, you will earn the 75% of the contribution base from the first day.

You must remember that if you are not contributing for working accident, it will be processed as common illness, even if it has been a work accident. Also, even if you are on leave, you must keep paying the self-employed fees, because a discharge in the Social Security will mean the loss of your right to get a subsidy.

And what happens to my business while I am on leave?

One of the forms you have to present when soliciting the subsidy is the statement of situation of the activity. In it, trough a sworn declaration, it is exposed how the activity of the self-employed must remain during the period of the leave. In the form it must be explained if someone is going to manage it or if a temporary cease is going to happen, which would mean the standstill of the activity during the period of the leave.

For more information, or if you have any doubts, contact us and we will gladly inform you of everything. We want to be your Solicitors in Catral and Vega Baja.

Para más información o aclaración de dudas, ponte en contacto con nosotros, te informaremos de todo gratamente. Queremos ser tu Asesoría en Catral y la Vega Baja.

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